Home Page University of Portsmouth Academy Trust (UPAT)


Attendance Team


Mrs M Beetlestone


Assistant Headteacher

Mrs V Popham


Family Support Coordinator

Mrs T Wood



Mrs L Morris & Mr Adam Watson


Telephone: 01329 234381



Please also refer to the full attendance policy that can be found on our website

Our Mission

At Woodcot, we believe good attendance is vital for a child to achieve their full potential

We aim to promote good attendance by providing a safe and motivating environment for all children. 

As a team, we will together break down any barriers a child or family may have to accessing their education.

Every child matters

Every day matters

Every minute matters


If you need support with you child's attendance

Please reach out to a member of the attendance team or inform your child's class teacher.

What do I do if my child is poorly?

If your child is going to be absent from school, you must contact the

school office before 9.00 am

to provide a reason for absence. You can either call 01329 234381 or email

Attendance Guidance for Parents/Carers

Why is high attendance important to my child's education?

Your responsibilities as a parent
